By Dr. Arshavir Gundjian, C.M. Special to the Mirror-Spectator The year 2024 is coming to its end. Like all perceptive people, the Armenian people as well, are stunned, witnessing every day increasingly shocking political...
By Dr. Arshavir Gundjian, C.M. Special to the Mirror-Spectator The year 2024 is coming to its end. Like all perceptive people, the Armenian people as well, are stunned, witnessing every day increasingly shocking political developments that take place from the East to the West and in-between, and that just...
WATERTOWN — The Central Board of the Tekeyan Cultural Association of the United States and Canada (TCA) held its first plenary meeting since the passing of its longtime president Edmond Y. Azadian on May 16. It elected unanimously Dr. Arshavir Gundjian as president and Kevork Marashlian as vice president....
How Much Longer Must the People of Artsakh Suffer? The Armenians of Artsakh have been suffering direly due to the Azerbaijani blockade since December 12. Weeks have gone by as this humanitarian crisis worsens while nominal international efforts to lift the blockade change nothing. The Artsakh government has implemented...
WATERTOWN — The Tekeyan Cultural Association (TCA) of the United States and Canada held its 36th convention on Saturday, November 5 via Zoom due to consideration of the ongoing Covid19 pandemic. The 25 voting delegates included representatives from seven Tekeyan chapters and TCA Central Board members, while a number...