Armenian Patriarch of Jerusalem. Communique

  • 13.05.2023
  • 0


The urgently convened Holy Synod meeting on May 12th, 2023 expresses its deep concern regarding the news circulated on May 11th through social media and the publication of various Jordanian and Palestinian news sources, in which both the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan and Palestinian government have decided to freeze the Patriarchal recognition of the Armenian Patriarch of Jerusalem, His Beatitude Archbishop Nourhan Manougian.

The most disconcerting aspect to this decision is its timing. Notably, becoming public just after the Holy Synod leveled the strictest punishment to the main person responsible for the “Cows Garden” issue. That person being Khachig (formerly Archimandrite, Very Rev. Father Baret) Yeretsian in his previous position as the former Director of Real Estate Department. Per the directive of the Holy Synod, this individual has been defrocked of his priestly rites, banished, and is no longer living on the premises of the Patriarchate.

The Armenian Patriarchate of Jerusalem and the Holy Synod will do their best to protect the interests of the Armenian Church and the community.

Divan of the Holy Synod

Armenian Patriarch of Jerusalem


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